Karsh Signature

Yousuf Karsh, master photographer of the 20th century

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Jean Sibelius

Jean Sibelius


“I arrived at Sibelius’s home ‘Ainola,’ named for his wife Aino, laden with gifts from his admirers - an inscribed manuscript from composer Ralph Vaughan Williams, a warm letter from Olin Downes, the celebrated music critic of the New York Times, a box of his favorite cigars and a bottle of old cognac from the Canadian High Commissioner in London. This last we shared with little Finnish cookies and coffee. His daughter interpreted for the straight-backed patriarch of eighty-four, although there was such a meeting of minds that words became scarcely necessary.

The structure of his face reminded me of carved granite, yet with infinite warmth and humanity. This photograph was one of the last taken. He was visibly moved as I told him how the Finnish workers, in their northern Canadian logging camps, doubled their wartime output when his Finlandia was played for them.”

Other Photographs

  • Jean Sibelius

    Jean Sibelius


Jul 30 1949

Jean Sibelius
