Karsh Signature

Yousuf Karsh, master photographer of the 20th century

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Martha Graham

Martha Graham


“Upon arriving at Miss Graham’s New York apartment in 1948 I was quite taken aback, though impressed, by the stark simplicity with which she had chosen to surround herself… Then I looked up to the ceiling and it seemed only a few inches above my head. No one, not even Martha Graham could dance in such a place. Compromise sometimes must be the stuff of which pictures are made. So, rather hopelessly, I sat Miss Graham on a low stool and asked her to assume various attitudes  as if she had the space of a great stage around her. Amazingly enough, this restricted posture presented no problem, such perfect control had she over her body.”

Other Photographs

  • Martha Graham

    Martha Graham


Feb 13 1948

Miss Martha Graham

For Coronet Magazine