Karsh Signature

Yousuf Karsh, master photographer of the 20th century

Search Results for: Albert Camus


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  • Albert Camus

  • Albert Camus


Albert Camus

Albert Camus, 1954 French philosopher, author and journalist Albert Camus was born on this day, November 7, in 1913. Three years after he sat for Karsh, Camus would receive the… […]

Albert Camus

Albert Camus, 1954 French philosopher, author and journalist Albert Camus was born on this day, November 7, in 1913. Three years after he was photographed by Karsh, Camus would receive… […]

Albert Camus

Albert Camus, 1954 Nobel Prize winning author, journalist, and philosopher Albert Camus died on this day, January 4, in 1960 (b. 1913). Camus was awarded the 1957 Nobel Prize in… […]

Albert Camus

…a freshly scanned print of Albert Camus, so different than the frame we have been used to seeing. Camus was a French philosopher, author and journalist. Three years after he… […]

Albert Camus

Albert Camus, 1954 French philosopher, author and journalist Albert Camus was born on this day, November 7, in 1913 (d. 1960). Three years after he was photographed by Karsh, Camus […]

Albert Camus

Albert Camus, 1954 Albert Camus was a French philosopher, author and journalist. Three years after he was photographed by Karsh, which was on this day, June 10, in 1954, Camus […]

Laurence Olivier

…(b. 1907). Karsh recorded 175 sittings in 1954, when Olivier, and Viven Leigh, were photographed. They include Albert Camus, Pablo Casals, Walt Disney, Georges Enesco, Andre Malraux, and Pablo Picasso…. […]

Augustus John

…1954 (on this day, July 18). Karsh photographed more than 100 people on this trip, as diverse as Albert Camus and Pablo Picasso in France, and Benjamin Britten and Moira… […]


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