Karsh Signature

Yousuf Karsh, master photographer of the 20th century

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Prairie Wheat Farmer, 1953

In 1952, Yousuf Karsh accepted a lengthy assignment from Maclean’s magazine to document Canada’s postwar economic development; he considered the workers to be artists. In the seventeen months it took to complete the undertaking, he made a total of 8,334 negatives. See a few more of the images here.

As they prepare to host “The World of Yousuf Karsh: A Private Essence,” the exhibition initiated, produced, and circulated by the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, The Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21’s 2022 national competition will be for a portrait photographer to draw inspiration from the work of Yousuf Karsh. “We are seeking a portrait photographer to work in the tradition of Karsh’s Maclean’s magazine cross-country assignment. This captivating body of work captured regular Canadians, and is considered by many to be some of his best work. While the exhibition will feature some of Karsh’s most recognizable images of famous people, the residency is inspired by Karsh’s ability to capture the humanity and dignity in all of his subjects which Stephen Dale from the National Gallery of Canada wrote, “confirm(s) that for Karsh, the refugee, the dignity of a person did not depend upon their station or circumstances.”” Learn more about this opportunity.
