Karsh Signature

Yousuf Karsh, master photographer of the 20th century

Brigitte Bardot

Brigitte Bardot, 1958

Actress, singer, and animal rights activist Brigitte “B.B.” Bardot, turned 87 on September 28, 2021. Karsh wrote of their sitting: “I happened to return to Paris directly from the Vatican photographing Pope John XXIII. And the word had reached her that the person that [is] about to photograph you has just come directly from Rome. And with her typical charm and touch of gaiety, she said, ‘Is it true you have just come from photographing Pope John the 23rd?’ I said, yes. ‘Ah,’ she said, ‘ from the saint to the sinner.’ We have in our home two magnificent sculptures called L’amor sacre and L’amor profane executed by Louis Legge. But, I still don’t know which is which. And so when Brigitte referred to herself as the sinner, I questioned that completely.”
