Karsh Signature

Yousuf Karsh, master photographer of the 20th century

News & Stories

News & Stories
Crater on Mercury named after Karsh

Crater on Mercury named after Karsh

“The MESSENGER Education and Public Outreach (EPO) Team, coordinated through Carnegie Science, announces the winning names from its competition to name five impact craters on Mercury.” […]

Audrey Hepburn Google Doodle Inspired by Karsh Portrait

Audrey Hepburn Google Doodle Inspired by Karsh Portrait

“Finding the right solution for someone as timeless as Audrey proved a tricky task. Not only was she a classically beautiful actress, she also dedicated her life to philanthropy. It was easy to find inspiration for her portrait in Yousuf Karsh’s photograph from 1956.” […]

Portraits of Performers

Portraits of Performers

At 395 Wellington, Library and Archives Canada will be mounting a small exhibition about some of the performers that Karsh photographed. […]

Festival Karsh

Festival Karsh

Festival Karsh will introduce the Canadian portrait photographer, Yousuf Karsh, and his work to a broader audience by exploring the contexts, myths and stories behind his work. […]

Symposium at The Art Institute of Chicago

Symposium at The Art Institute of Chicago

Four experts in the field will discuss Karsh in sympathy and in contrast to the exhibition Yousuf Karsh: Regarding Heroes, which celebrates the centenary of the birth of Yousuf Karsh. […]
