Karsh Signature

Yousuf Karsh, master photographer of the 20th century

Forces of Nature

Charlotte Rampling, 1976

Thank you to our friends at editor Graydon Carter’s relatively-new site airmail.news for their article highlighting women who were photographed by Karsh. They lead with the color portrait of Charlotte Rampling, and go on to show diverse sitters including Marian Anderson, Jessye Norman, and Gloria Steinem.

Daphne Merkin writes: “Ours is an age saturated with more images than at any other time in history. Everything is grist for the camera’s eye, thanks in large part to the cellphone, which allows one to take endless shots of everyone and everything in sight. It is all the more aesthetically enlightening, then to look at the work of Yousuf Karsh, a trained professional with an ability to translate a moment of observation into a visual insight.” You’ll need to subscribe to Airmail to read the rest!
