Karsh Signature

Yousuf Karsh, master photographer of the 20th century

General Andrew McNaughton

General Andrew McNaughton, 1940

November 11 marks the end of World War I, in 1919, and is observed as a day of remembrance in several countries, including Veterans’ Day in the US, and Remembrance Day in the UK and Canada.

General Andrew George Latta McNaughton, C.B., C.M.G., D.S.O., M.Sc., D.C.L., LL.D. was a Canadian soldier, inventor, scholar, and scientist. Twice wounded in World War I, he became: President, National Research Council in 1933; Commander, First Canadian Army in 1939; and, Minister of National Defense in 1944.

Karsh wrote:

The founder of Canada’s modern army, and the man upon whose shoulders rested the principal responsibility for the defense of Britain in the months that followed Dunkirk, came to my studio in Ottawa, during a short leave following a long and tedious tour of duty in Britain. He was so tense that it was difficult to find a good angle from which to take him. Thinking that it might prove relaxing, I suggested that he try walking up and down. Ever since, I’ve been accused of exhausting the General by putting him through a campaign route march. However, I was able to catch this picture during one of his halts, and, in certain ways, I consider it one of the most successful I have ever made.
