Karsh Signature

Yousuf Karsh, master photographer of the 20th century

George Bernard Shaw

George Bernard Shaw, 1943

“He said I might make a good picture of him – but none as good as the picture he had seen at a recent dinner party where he glimpsed, over the shoulder of his hostess, a perfect portrait of himself: “Cruel, you understand, a diabolical caricature, but absolutely true.” He pushed by the lady, approached the living image, and found he was looking into a mirror! The old man peered at me quizzically to see if I appreciated his little joke. It was then that I caught him in my portrait.”

Irish playwright, critic, polemicist and political activist George Bernard Shaw was born on this day, July 26, in 1856 (d. 1950).

See more Karsh portraits of George Bernard Shaw.
