Karsh Signature

Yousuf Karsh, master photographer of the 20th century

Pablo Picasso

Pablo Picasso, 1954

Never missing an opportunity to post Picasso, today we celebrate the anniversary of his sitting with Mr. Karsh on July 2, in 1954.

“The maestro’s villa was a photographer’s nightmare, with his boisterous children bicycling through vast rooms already crowded with canvases. I eagerly accepted Picasso’s alternate suggestion to meet later in Vallauris at his ceramic gallery. ‘He will never be here,’ the gallery owner commented, when my assistant and two hundred pounds of equipment arrived. ‘He says the same thing to every photographer.’ To everyone’s amazement, the ‘old lion’ not only kept his photographic appointment with me but was prompt and wore a new shirt. He could partially view himself in my large format lens and intuitively moved to complete the composition.”

