Karsh Signature

Yousuf Karsh, master photographer of the 20th century

News & Stories

News & Stories
MomenTO Canada

MomenTO Canada

“In celebration of Canada 150, MomenTO highlights people, places and events from 1867 to 2017 that are significant to the history of Canada and Toronto.” […]

Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II

Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II

On this day, June 2, in 1953, Princess Elizabeth was formally crowned Queen Elizabeth II. This informal family portrait was made in 1951, and shows the then-Princess with her husband Prince Philip and their young children. […]

LIFE Magazine: John F. Kennedy Cover, 1961

LIFE Magazine: John F. Kennedy Cover, 1961

This LIFE magazine cover from August, 1961, featured a Karsh portrait of the 35th President of the United States. Karsh made this photograph of John F. Kennedy in 1960, when Kennedy was still a senator. […]

John F. Kennedy’s 100th Birthday

John F. Kennedy’s 100th Birthday

John F. Kennedy was born on May 29, 1917. The 35th President of the United States, 1961-1963, was the youngest man elected to the office. The JFK Library is commemorating his centennial during the month of May. […]

Wing Officer Willa Walker

Wing Officer Willa Walker

Our friends at the Canadian War Museum have this lovely photograph of Wing Officer Willa Walker in their collection, and it is currently on display as part of the traveling exhibition “World War Women /Grandes Guerres. Grandes Femmes.” […]

Ottawa Citizen: The Capital Builders

Ottawa Citizen: The Capital Builders

“In celebration of Canada’s 150th birthday, the Ottawa Citizen is rolling out one fact each day for 150 days until July 1, highlighting the odd, the fascinating and the important bits of Ottawa history you might not know about.” […]

The Eisenhower Memorial Commission

The Eisenhower Memorial Commission

The Estate is pleased to partner with the Eisenhower Memorial Commission in their ongoing work to memorialize the 34th US President on the National Mall. […]

Georgia O’Keeffe: Living Modern

Georgia O’Keeffe: Living Modern

“Georgia O’Keeffe: Living Modern” takes a new look at how the renowned modernist artist proclaimed her progressive, independent lifestyle through a self-crafted public persona. […]

Herman Leonard

Herman Leonard

Herman Leonard began his career as an apprentice to famed portrait photographer Yousuf Karsh. “In the Groove: Jazz Portraits by Herman Leonard” features Leonard’s iconic images of jazz legends. […]

Hemingway’s Brain

Hemingway’s Brain

The Washington Post Style section ran a cover story about Dr. Andrew Farah’s book, Hemingway’s Brain, which suggests Hemingway suffered from chronic traumatic encephalopathy, or CTE. […]

John Loengard: Celebrating the Negative

John Loengard: Celebrating the Negative

“Celebrating the Negative” is a study of the original film on which famous images have been captured by some of the most important photographers from the 19th and 20th centuries.  […]

Agnes Macphail

Agnes Macphail

In the April 3rd, 2017, issue of Macleans, Christine Sismondo wrote an article titled: “The history and lessons of those ‘lock her up’ chants. What history – including the career of Agnes Macphail – can tell us about this fraught moment for women in politics.” […]

Exhibit Citizen Karsh’s Collection

Exhibit Citizen Karsh’s Collection

In a letter to the Ottawa Citizen, Lilly Koltun, PhD, Director General (ret’d), Portrait Gallery of Canada, writes: “Exhibit citizen Karsh’s collection” […]

The Churchill Factor

The Churchill Factor

Very special permission was given for British author and politician Boris Johnson to use a colorized version of the portrait of Winston Churchill for the cover of his book. […]

Cover of the Telegraph Magazine

Cover of the Telegraph Magazine

In April, 2016, Britain’s Telegraph Magazine celebrated Queen Elizabeth’s 90th birthday with this cover featuring a Karsh portrait of Her Majesty. […]

Developer Formulae

Developer Formulae

The developers were to Karsh’s own formulae because that is what he learned from his early years with George Nakash and John Garo – no Kodak packages. […]

Cameras and Lighting

Cameras and Lighting

Karsh’s camera of choice was large format: 8 by 10 with an interchangeable 4 by 5 back. He preferred tungsten lights because he could see the results playing across the faces of his subjects, and they were less disruptive than the flash of strobes. […]
